Plagiarism Research Paper

Research Paper Example:

1. What is plagiarism?
is presenting the information originally created by someone else as one’s own. The issue of plagiarism has been argued about for hundreds or thousands of years. Plagiarism ranges from painters who redraw the works of the famous artists and present is as their own to boys reading some verse by heart claiming it as his own to impress a girl. For long times there were people who wanted to use somebody else’s work or ideas and get a credit they do not deserve. The modern day universities face serious problem with the academic integrity, that proves to be not only deleterious for one’s academic success and ascension but also for the reputation of the given university that is determined by the knowledge of its graduates and demand for them on the job market. can write a Custom Research Paper on Plagiarism for You!

2. Who does plagiarism hurt?
Plagiarism hurts the reputation of the person who uses it as well as reputation of the academic institution. The reason why plagiarism is a serious problem is because it is counter-productive. Instead of creating new knowledge and thus benefit the company, school or the society, the person steals the ideas that already exist and claim as his/her own.

3. What are the consequences of plagiarism at West Chester University?
According to West Chester University Student Code of Conduct plagiarism is classified as academic misconduct. Plagiarism and academic cheating is prohibited by the Code of Conduct and those who violate the rules will be subject to disciplinary punishment. 1

4. What is an academic honor code? Find one for a specific University or College of your choice. West Chester University does NOT have an academic honor code.
Academic honor code governs conduct of student in an academic institution. It is a statement of school’s position about academic integrity. Georgia Institute of Technology is one of the schools that have academic honor code. It is mainly a student initiative and serves as foundation of morale, honesty, and integrity of the university. Georgia Tech is offering help and their experience for other communities who want to create academic code of conduct in their schools. 2

5. What is the honor code at the following school… Virginia Military Institute. What are the consequences of breaking that code? Does their code apply to behavior outside their campus?
Virginia Military Institute operates and enforces Honor System. Each violation of Honor Code should be reported and reviewed by Honor Court which is run by the cadets.3 The only consequence for violating the Honor Code is immediate expulsion from the school. According to the Honor Code “a cadet does not lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate those who do.”4

6. How do plagiarism, ethics and honor code issues transfer to real life business situations?
Plagiarism can be considered as stealing. Therefore, one can assume that a person who stole once (information) would not hesitate to steal again and again should the opportunity present itself. The person who steals someone else’s ideas and finds it morally ok, might at some point of time steal other things and find moral explanation of such acts. Although plagiarism does not look like a theft, I believe it is a good preparation for a real one. Many businesses also develop code of conduct and internal integrity standards. Moral and honesty should be reinforced in schools as well as in businesses and all other institutions.


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